I believe MODI was created to democratize automotive diagnostics and I truly stand by this statement. It is a true diagnostic interface, designed by a diagnostic company to provide a solution to a very important problem. It stands against the monopoly of the big automotive industry and gives the end customer the right to know what their car is doing and why it is doing it.
I don’t know if you know but we have had another tool for many years now – VIN Reader, it is not as popular as MODI, but it has served a great deal of people, mostly related to law enforcement. Now this tool has been developed even more. The idea behind MODI and VIN reader is that they have been using similar hardware for years but now they are using the same exact hardware, and the aim is to give you so many more opportunities. To inspect vehicles before you purchase them, to scan them before you ever let them into your workshop, to know all there is to know about a car. What MODI offers is a fast, potent, and reliable diagnostic tool for your everyday needs, you can find and treat trouble codes, monitor live values, test actuators, determine module types and all the benefits that brings as well as outstanding coding and unlocking of hidden features like CarPlay, Android Auto, start stop, chimes, lights, configurations, additional menus… The list is virtually endless. But that is not the focus this week.
This week I would like to focus a bit more on the VIN Reader side because as I mentioned the hardware is united and now you can just go to your app store or play store and download the app needed.
VIN Reader’s development team has recently released some great new features. First let’s discuss mileage. In the new software release for VIN reader, you can easily compare mileage – even if the correction has been done very well, we can still help you compare all the modules and trace all the opportunities around mileage tampering. You can discover new elements of the vehicle’s history and find all the details you need right there. You can look through the modules and draw an initial conclusion based on the mileage in each of them, compare this to the vehicle’s history in a report from an online VIN decoder and track all the details of what the car in front of you has gone through. Mileage scams are all but gone now, thanks to VIN reader and your work.
Selective scanning is another one of the features recently released for VIN Reader customers – the ability to choose what to display – VINs, mileage or both. Respectively there is the ability to convert miles to kilometers or vice versa to make it easier to compare and get a deeper understanding of the current vehicle.
Inspecting a vehicle has never been easier. As usual VIN Reader allows you to sum all your findings in a report and share or save this report for future reference. One of the standard functionalities of Abrites VIN reader is now also expanded – our database has grown immensely and new models and makes have been added for you. This is what you need to always be on top of the game in terms of knowledge – all the modules from a vehicle can be scanned go through scrutineering and are being compared against our databases for stolen vehicle VIN numbers saves you so much hassle before taking a job in for the automotive professionals. On the other hand, the police and border patrol are always sure to have an accurate report of the vehicles they suspect.
The ability to immediately share your report even under critical circumstances is another very important feature which was introduced via VIN reader.
So many new opportunities and the ability to provide cross functionality under one hardware makes it easy to love the solution which gives the best possible solution outside of AVDI.
I know there are many tools on the market that claim to assist in all these situations but few do that and even if they do there are probably two or more tools you need to complete this operation. Now this is all united. All you need is the one hardware and the two apps on your phone.
Solutions to complex problems made easy, democratization of vehicle knowledge, constant improvement, and forward motion – these are the mantras we live by for all of our customers.
Until next week,